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    Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen




    Deutschland – Version 2023; gültig ab 1.10.2023


    Diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen legen die Bedingungen für den Kauf von Peak Performance-Produkten („Produkte“) unter (der „Online-Shop“) durch natürliche Personen und der Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, einer deutschen Gesellschaft mit Handelsregisternummer HRB 77902 und Hauptsitz unter der Anschrift 15 Parkring, D-85748 Garching, Deutschland, fest.


    Verweise auf „Peak Performance“, „wir“ oder „uns“ in diesen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen beziehen sich auf die oben genannte Gesellschaft. 


    1. Über diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen

    Diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelten nur für den Online-Shop. Alle Bestellungen, die im Online-Shop aufgegeben werden, und die entsprechenden Lieferungen unterliegen daher diesen Kaufbedingungen. Bestellungen im Online-Shop können mit der Unterstützung unserer Mitarbeiter auch in unseren Ladengeschäften aufgegeben werden. Solche im Ladengeschäft aufgegebenen Bestellungen unterliegen ebenfalls diesen Kaufbedingungen.


    Wir können diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen von Zeit zu Zeit ändern. Das entsprechende Datum des Inkrafttretens wird oben angegeben. Änderungen der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelten für Bestellungen, die am oder nach dem Datum des Inkrafttretens aufgegeben werden.




    2. Aufgeben einer Bestellung

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass Bestellungen nur von Personen aufgegeben werden können, die nicht beabsichtigen, die bestellten Produkte für ihre eigenen Geschäftstätigkeiten zu nutzen, d. h. nur von Verbrauchern. Wir akzeptieren keine Bestellungen von Unternehmen, Verbänden, unabhängigen Auftragnehmern oder anderen Arten von juristischen Personen.


    Um das/die Produkt(e) kaufen zu können, müssen Sie:

    • Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse, Telefonnummer, E-Mail-Adresse, Zahlungsdetails und andere erforderliche Informationen angeben;
    • mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein;
    • geschäftsfähig sein; und
    • eine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben. 

    Falls Sie ein Peak Performance-Konto mit einer persönlichen Benutzerkennung und einem persönlichen Passwort erstellt haben, sollten Sie Ihr Passwort schützen und es nicht an andere weitergeben, da Sie für jegliche Käufe, die unter Verwendung Ihrer Benutzerkennung und Ihres Passworts getätigt werden, persönlich verantwortlich sind.


    3. Bestellabwicklung und Vertragsabschluss

    Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass Ihre Bestellung gemäß diesen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ein Angebot zum Kauf des/der in Ihrer Bestellung aufgeführten Produkt(-s/-e) darstellt. Alle Bestellungen müssen von uns angenommen werden; die Angebote im Online-Shop sind unverbindlich.


    Wir können Bestellungen ablehnen, einschließlich u. a., wenn diese missbräuchlich oder ungewöhnlich sind, unserem Ermessen nach nicht in gutem Glauben aufgegeben wurden oder nicht von natürlichen Personen stammen. Wir sind nicht verpflichtet, einen Grund für die Ablehnung eines Angebots anzugeben, können dies jedoch nach unserem alleinigen Ermessen tun.


    Wenn wir Ihre Bestellung annehmen, senden wir Ihnen eine Bestell- und Versandbestätigung per E-Mail. Der Vertragsabschluss erfolgt in dem Moment, in dem Sie die Bestell- und Versandbestätigungs-E-Mail erhalten. 


    Die Bestell- und Versandbestätigungs-E-Mail ist Ihr Kaufbeleg. Bitte bewahren Sie diese auf, da Ihr Vertrag von uns nicht archiviert wird.


    4. Preise, Versand, Bearbeitungsgebühren und Steuern 

    Für das Produkt wird der Preis berechnet, der zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellungsaufgabe anwendbar ist. Wir können Preise jederzeit ohne Vorankündigung ändern. Preiserhöhungen gelten nur für Bestellungen, die nach der Änderung aufgegeben werden.

    Die Preise für das/die Produkt(e) beinhalten Mehrwertsteuer oder andere anwendbare Steuern, jedoch nicht die Gebühren für Versand und Bearbeitung. Die Versand- und Bearbeitungsgebühren und zugehörige Mehrwert- oder andere Steuern werden während des Bestellvorgangs im Online-Shop separat angezeigt.


    Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir keine Gewähr dafür übernehmen, dass die Angaben im Online-Shop fehlerfrei sind. Preisfehler können von Zeit zu Zeit auftreten. In diesem Fall behalten wir uns das Recht vor, über den Online-Shop aufgegebene Bestellungen nicht anzunehmen oder zu stornieren.


    5. Lieferung

    Wir liefern Produkte nur innerhalb von Deutschland und vorbehaltlich folgender Ausschlüsse:


    ·       Postfächer

    ·       Feldpostadressen

    ·       Hotels und Herbergen

    ·       Gefängnisse

    ·       Büsingen am Hochrhein und Helgoland


    Es gibt folgende Lieferoptionen:

    ·       Lieferung nach Hause: geschätzte Lieferzeit von 2 bis 4 Werktagen

    ·       Click & Collect: geschätzte Lieferzeit von 0 bis 2 Werktagen.


    Click & Collect bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre Bestellung in einem unserer Geschäfte vor Ort abholen können, wenn die Option Click & Collect für Ihre Bestellung verfügbar ist. Das Paket muss innerhalb von 10 Tagen ab der Benachrichtigung abgeholt werden. Wenn das Paket nicht innerhalb dieses Zeitraums im Geschäft abgeholt wird, wird es automatisch als nicht abgeholt registriert und der Kaufpreis wird Ihnen zurückerstattet. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, nach alleinigem Ermessen zu entscheiden, für welche Geschäfte und Bestellungen Click & Collect verfügbar ist.


    Wenn Ihre Bestellung aus mehreren Artikeln besteht, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, die Lieferung aufzuteilen. Es fallen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Lieferkosten an.


    Wenn Sie die Lieferung zu lange hinauszögern oder den Empfang der Lieferung hinauszögern, nachdem wir Sie darüber informiert haben, dass wir versucht haben, Ihnen das/die bestellte(n) Produkt(e) zu liefern, oder wenn Sie eine falsche Lieferadresse angegeben haben, die zu einer erfolglosen Lieferung führt, wird das Paket an uns zurückgeschickt. Wenn das/die Produkt(e) nach dem ersten Lieferversuch für einen Zeitraum von 7 Tagen nicht zugestellt werden kann/können und an uns zurückgeschickt wird/werden, sind wir berechtigt, den Vertrag zu kündigen. In diesem Fall erstatten wir Ihnen die Kosten im Einklang mit diesen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.


    Wir haften nicht für eine Verzögerung oder Nichterfüllung, wenn diese auf unvorhersehbare Umstände zurückzuführen ist, die außerhalb unserer Kontrolle oder unseres Zuständigkeitsbereichs liegen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Krieg oder Terroranschläge, Streiks, landesweite oder örtliche Notfälle, Epidemien, Pandemien, Störungen der Transportnetzwerke, Strom- und Versorgungsausfälle, Erdbeben und andere Naturkatastrophen. Bei Eintreten derartiger Ereignisse werden wir Sie unverzüglich informieren. Dauert eine solche Leistungsstörung gerechnet ab dem ursprünglichen Liefertermin länger als vier Wochen, sind Sie berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten, ohne dass Ihnen dadurch Kosten entstehen. Weitergehende Ansprüche, insbesondere Schadensersatzansprüche, sind ausgeschlossen.


    Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das Paket mit dem/den gelieferten Produkt(en) so schnell wie möglich und spätestens 14 Tage ab Erhalt zu begutachten und dessen Zustand und Vollständigkeit zu überprüfen. Wenn die Verpackung beschädigt zu sein scheint, nehmen Sie die Sendung bitte nicht an. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Risiko für die von Ihnen bestellten Produkte bei Abschluss der Lieferung auf Sie übergeht. Falls Produkte mangelhaft sind oder nicht Ihrer Bestellung entsprechen, haben Sie die Option, das mangelhafte Produkt zurückzusenden. In diesem Fall erstatten wir Ihnen den Kaufpreis und alle Lieferkosten, sobald wir Ihre Rücksendung bearbeitet haben. Sie haben alternativ das Recht, das mangelhafte Produkt zu behalten und einen Preisnachlass zu verlangen. Bitte wenden Sie sich in einem der oben genannten Fälle an unseren Kundenservice.


    6. Verfügbarkeit von Produkten

    Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Verfügbarkeit von Produkten im Online-Shop. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, die Verfügbarkeit von Produkten ohne Haftung oder Vorankündigung anzupassen oder Produkte auszulisten. Dies gilt nicht für Produktbestellungen, für die Sie bereits eine Bestell- und Versandbestätigungs-E-Mail von uns erhalten haben.


    7. Eignung, Produktinformationen 

    Bitte geben Sie bei der Aufgabe Ihrer Bestellung darauf acht, dass das/die von Ihnen gekaufte(n) Produkt(e) für den vorgesehenen Verwendungszweck geeignet ist/sind. Ziehen Sie als endgültigen Indikator der Eignung bitte den Online-Shop heran. Bei Widersprüchen zwischen den Angaben im Online-Shop und einer anderen Website (oder einer anderen Informationsquelle) haben die Angaben zur Eignung im Online-Shop zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs des/der Produkt(-s/-e) Vorrang. 


    8. Zahlung

    Es gibt folgende Zahlungsoptionen:

    ·       Visa

    ·       Mastercard

    ·       Amex

    ·       Maestro

    ·       Klarna

    ·       PayPal

    ·       Online-Banküberweisung


    Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, bei allen Zahlungen Sicherheitschecks durchzuführen. Zu diesem Zweck können Sie von unserem Kundenservice kontaktiert werden, um Ihre Bestellinformationen und Einzelheiten zur Bestellung wie Adresse, Adresse der für die Lieferung angegebenen Person usw. zu bestätigen.


    9. Rücksendung und Rückerstattung

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Option zur Rücksendung und Rückerstattung nur für im Online-Shop bestellte Produkte verfügbar ist. Dazu gehören auch Produkte, die im Geschäft bestellt werden.


    Widerrufsrecht: Wenn Sie (ein) Produkt(e) für Ihren eigenen privaten Gebrauch als Verbraucher gekauft haben und Ihr Recht auf Kündigung des Vertrags oder Rücktritt vom Vertrag und Rücksendung des/der Produkt(-s/-e) ausüben möchten, können Sie dies tun, sofern Sie das Rücksendeverfahren innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Erhalt des/der Produkt(-s/-e) abschließen. Im Falle eines Vertrags über mehrere Produkte beginnt Ihre Frist für den Widerruf ab Erhalt des letzten Produkts.


    Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben und die Produkte zurückzusenden, befolgen Sie bitte das Rücksendeverfahren auf unserer Online-Rücksendeplattform. Alternativ können Sie das als Anhang 1 beigefügte Muster-Widerrufsformular ausfüllen oder sich an unseren Kundenservice wenden.


    Sie dürfen nur Produkte zurücksenden, von denen Sie die Etiketten noch nicht entfernt haben, die Sie mit angemessener Sorgfalt und nicht in einer Weise verwendet haben, die über das hinausgeht, was zur Feststellung ihrer Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise erforderlich ist. Die Haftung für jegliche Wertminderung der von Ihnen gekauften Produkte, die sich aus Ihrer Handhabung der Produkte ergibt, die über das hinausgeht, was zur Feststellung ihrer Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und ordnungsgemäßen Funktionsweise erforderlich ist, liegt bei Ihnen.


    Sobald wir Ihre Online-Widerrufserklärung erhalten haben, senden wir Ihnen eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail. Sie müssen dann das/die Produkt(e) unverzüglich und in jedem Fall spätestens 30 Tage ab Anzeige Ihrer Entscheidung zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag zurücksenden. Sie tragen die direkten Kosten für die Rücksendung des/der Produkt(-s/-e) in Form einer unten beschriebenen Rücksendegebühr.





    Sie müssen das/die Produkt(e) in der Originalverpackung zurücksenden. Alle Zubehörteile, Anleitungen und etwaigen kostenlosen Extras, die Sie zusammen mit dem/den Produkt(en) erhalten haben, müssen ebenfalls im selben Paket zurückgesendet werden. Wenn Sie ein Produkt gekauft haben, das Teil eines Produktpakets war, müssen in Ihrer Rücksendung alle zugehörigen Produkte enthalten sein. Bitte behandeln Sie das/die Produkt(e) mit angemessener Sorgfalt und senden Sie es/sie in dem Zustand zurück, in dem es/sie Ihnen geliefert wurde(n). Bitte verpacken Sie das/die Produkt(e) sicher und sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihre Bestellnummer auf der Außenseite des Pakets deutlich sichtbar ist. Rücksendungen aus mehreren verschiedenen Bestellungen dürfen nicht kombiniert werden. Um eine schnelle und sichere Rücksendung zu gewährleisten, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die angegebenen Rücksendeanweisungen zu befolgen.


    Bei Ausübung Ihres Widerrufsrechts wird eine Rücksendegebühr in Höhe von 7 EUR vom Kaufpreis abgezogen, den Sie für das/die Produkt(e) bezahlt haben. Der verbleibende Betrag wird Ihnen innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Erhalt der zurückgesendeten Produkte in unserem Lager zurückerstattet. Die Rücksendegebühr wird pro Rücksendung berechnet. Wenn Sie die gesamte Bestellung zurücksenden, werden Ihnen auch die Standardversandkosten zurückerstattet. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihnen, auch wenn Sie eine teurere Expressversandoption gewählt haben, nur die Standardversandkosten zurückerstattet werden. 


    Die Rückerstattung wird per E-Mail bestätigt. Die Zahlung erfolgt mit den gleichen Zahlungsmitteln, die Sie für die ursprüngliche Transaktion verwendet haben.

    Wenn Sie Produkte zurücksenden, 1) die nicht zurückgesendet werden dürfen, 2) die Sie beschädigt oder in einer Weise verwendet haben, die über das hinausgeht, was zur Feststellung ihrer Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise erforderlich ist, oder 3) wenn Produkte fehlen oder 4) Sie bei der Pflege und Rücksendung der Produkte anderweitig keine angemessene Sorgfalt haben walten lassen, behalten wir uns vorbehaltlich des geltenden Rechts das Recht vor, entweder Ihre Rücksendung sowie die Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises zu verweigern oder den Ihnen zu erstattenden Betrag um die monetäre Höhe der Wertminderung der Produkte zu reduzieren.

    Ansonsten gilt: Wenn die Produkte, die Sie erhalten haben, nicht Ihrer Bestellung entsprechen oder wenn Ihre Lieferung unvollständig ist oder beim Transport beschädigt wurde, wenden Sie sich bitte unverzüglich an unseren Kundenservice.


    10. Rechtliche Gewährleistung

    Sie haben nach Gesetzesrecht Anspruch auf eine Sachmängelgewährleistung. Wir stellen sicher, dass unsere Produkte den grundlegenden nach geltendem Recht vorgeschriebenen Standards entsprechen, insbesondere, dass sie von zufriedenstellender Qualität sind und mit unserer Beschreibung übereinstimmen. 


    Bitte beachten Sie, dass z. B. folgende Schäden nicht durch die gesetzliche Gewährleistung abgedeckt sind:

    ·       Schäden durch normalen Verschleiß des/der Produkt(-s/-e)

    ·       Schäden aus Ihrer Aufbewahrung des/der Produkt(-s/-e)

    ·       Schäden aus einer nicht-konformen Verwendung des/der Produkt(-s/-e) oder einer mangelhaften Wartung

    ·       Schäden aus Änderungen an dem/den Produkt(en) oder dessen/deren Reparatur durch eine andere natürliche oder juristische Person als Peak Performance

    ·       Schäden durch Stöße, scharfe Gegenstände, Verdrehen, Kompression, Fallenlassen, starke Schläge oder andere Einwirkungen außerhalb unserer Kontrolle.




    Wenn Sie glauben, dass Sie Anspruch auf Dienstleistungen im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Gewährleistung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kundenservice.


    11. Personenbezogene Daten

    Die Nutzung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten wird durch die auf unserer Website veröffentlichte Datenschutzrichtlinie und die zusätzlichen Bestimmungen in diesen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen geregelt. Der Kauf von Produkten im Online-Shop erfordert, dass Sie die Datenschutzrichtlinie und die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten wie in dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie beschrieben akzeptieren.


    Wir unternehmen angemessene Anstrengungen, um die Vertraulichkeit Ihrer Bestell- und Zahlungsdaten zu schützen, können jedoch (sofern keine grobe Fahrlässigkeit unsererseits vorliegt) nicht für Schäden haftbar gemacht werden, die Sie ggf. erleiden, falls ein Dritter unbefugten Zugriff auf Ihre Daten erhält.




    12. Unsere Haftung

    Diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen decken unsere Verpflichtungen und Verbindlichkeiten in Bezug auf die Lieferung der Produkte ausnahmslos ab.


    Außer wie in diesen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ausdrücklich vorgesehen, schließen wir jegliche ausdrücklichen oder stillschweigenden Gewährleistungen oder Qualitätsversprechen aus. Insbesondere sind wir nicht dafür verantwortlich, sicherzustellen, dass die Produkte für den beabsichtigten Verwendungszweck geeignet sind, es sei denn, dass Sie uns vor Vertragsschluss über den Verwendungszweck informiert und wir diesen akzeptiert haben.


    Wir gewährleisten nicht, dass der Online-Shop Ihre Anforderungen erfüllt oder ununterbrochen, rechtzeitig oder fehlerfrei zur Verfügung steht oder dass die Website oder der Server, auf dem sie gehostet wird, frei von Viren oder Fehlern ist oder dass der Online-Shop immer voll funktionsfähig oder ausnahmslos korrekt und/oder verlässlich ist. Wir werden uns angemessen bemühen, die Richtigkeit der im Online-Shop enthaltenen Informationen zu überprüfen, können aber vorbehaltlich des geltenden Rechts nicht garantieren, dass alle Informationen immer korrekt und vollständig sind. Es ist beispielsweise möglich, dass die gelieferten Produkte und Produktverpackungen von den Darstellungen auf der Website abweichen. Wenn Sie diesbezüglich Fragen oder Bedenken haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, bevor Sie (ein) Produkt(e) bestellen. Preisfehler können von Zeit zu Zeit auftreten. In diesem Fall können wir Bestellungen stornieren, die von uns bereits bearbeitet oder angenommen wurden. Wir werden Fehler in unserem Online-Shop so schnell wie möglich nach Kenntnisnahme korrigieren.


    Für Schadensersatz und Ersatz vergeblicher Aufwendungen nach §§ 437 Nr. 3 BGB i. V. m. §§ 636, 280, 281, 283 und 311 Buchstabe a oder nach § 284 BGB (nachfolgend „Schadensersatz“) haften wir wegen Verletzung vertraglicher oder außervertraglicher Pflichten nur bei:


    ·       Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit,

    ·       fahrlässiger oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit,

    ·       Übernahme einer Qualitätsgarantie,

    ·       fahrlässiger oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten,

    ·       zwingender Haftung nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz oder

    ·       sonstiger zwingender Haftung.


    Der Schadensersatz für die Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten ist auf den vertragstypischen, vorhersehbaren Schaden begrenzt, es sei denn, dass Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit, eine Haftung für die Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit, eine Qualitätsgarantie oder Produkthaftung vorliegt.


    Die vorstehenden Haftungsausschlüsse und -beschränkungen gelten auch im Hinblick auf die Haftung unserer Mitarbeiter, Arbeitnehmer, Vertreter und Erfüllungsgehilfen, insbesondere zugunsten der Gesellschafter, Mitarbeiter, Vertreter, Organe und ihrer Mitglieder im Hinblick auf ihre persönliche Haftung.


    Eine Änderung der Beweislast zum Nachteil des Kunden ist mit den vorstehenden Regelungen nicht verbunden.




    13. Allgemeines

    Der Online-Shop darf nur für legale Zwecke und unter Einhaltung des geltenden Rechts genutzt werden. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, in Bezug auf den Online-Shop und jegliche Transaktionen, die im oder über den Online-Shop durchgeführt werden, alle geltenden Gesetze, Regelungen und Vorschriften einzuhalten.


    Wenn eine oder mehrere Bestimmungen dieser allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für ungültig, rechtswidrig oder nicht durchsetzbar befunden werden, wird/werden die betreffende(n) Bestimmung(en) im größtmöglichen gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang durchgesetzt, wobei die Gültigkeit, Rechtmäßigkeit und Durchsetzbarkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen davon in keiner Weise beeinträchtigt wird.




    14. Kundenservice

    Unser Kundenservice hilft Ihnen bei Fragen zu Bestellungen im Online-Shop. Er ist entweder per E-Mail oder telefonisch erreichbar von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 9:00 und 17:00 Uhr MESZ, außer an Feiertagen:


    Telefonnummer: +498926201267



    15. Geltendes Recht

    Diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unterliegen deutschem Recht und werden entsprechend ausgelegt.


    Anhang I: 

    Muster-Widerrufsformular (dieses Formular ausfüllen und zurücksenden, falls Sie vom Vertrag zurücktreten möchten)


    An: Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, 15 Parkring, D-85748 Garching, Deutschland




    Hiermit trete ich von meinem Kaufvertrag für folgende(s) Produkt(e) zurück:


    • Bestellt am: __________ / Empfangen am:_____________
    • Name des/der Verbraucher(s):
    • Adresse des/der Verbraucher(s):
    • Unterschrift des/der Verbraucher(s):
    • Datum:




    Germany - Version 2023; valid as of 1.10.2023


    These Terms and Conditions establish the conditions for sales between any individual purchasing Peak Performance products (“Products”) at (the “Online Store”) and Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, an German company with registration number HRB 77902, having its main office at 15 Parkring, D-85748 Garching, Germany.


    References to "Peak Performance", "we" or "us" in these Terms and Conditions refer to the above-mentioned company. 


    1. About these Terms and Conditions

    These Terms and Conditions only apply to purchases made in the Online Store. All orders placed in the Online Store and deliveries made in response to such orders are therefore subject to these terms of sale. Orders from our Online Store can also be placed at our physical stores with the help of our personnel. Such Order in Store -orders are also subject to these terms of sale.


    We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We will state their effective date above. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will apply to orders placed on or after the effective date.




    2. Placing an order 

    Please note that orders can only be placed by persons for whom the order is not part of the operation of their business, i.e. only by consumers. We will not accept orders placed by companies, associations, independent contractors or any other kind of legal entity.


    To be able to buy the Product(s) you have to:

    • provide your name and address, phone number, email address, payment details and other required information;
    • be at least 18 years of age;
    • be legally competent; and
    • have a delivery address in Germany. 

    In case you created a Peak Performance account with a personal user identification and password, keep your password protected at all times and do not disclose it to anyone else as you are personally responsible for each purchase made using your user identification and password.


    3. Order processing and contract conclusion

    You agree that your order is an offer to buy the Product(s) listed in your order under these Terms and Conditions. All orders must be accepted by us and the offers in the Online Store are non-binding.


    We may refuse orders, including but not limited to abusive or unusual orders, orders which we believe are not placed in good faith and orders not placed by individuals. We are not obliged to give a reason for refusing to accept an offer, but we may do so at our sole discretion.


    If we accept your order, we will send you an Order and Shipping Confirmation by email. The conclusion of the contract will take place the moment you receive the Order and Shipping Confirmation email. 


    The Order and Shipping Confirmation email is your proof of purchase, please store it as we will not archive your contract.


    4. Prices, shipping, handling charges and tax 

    The price charged for a Product will be the price in effect at the time the order is placed. We may change prices at any time without notice. Price increases will only apply to orders placed after such changes.

    Prices for the Product(s) include VAT or other applicable taxes but do not include charges for shipping and handling. Separate charges for shipping, handling and their related VAT or other taxes will be shown in the Online Store during the ordering process.


    Please note that we make no warranty that the Online Store will be error-free. Pricing errors may occur from time to time, in which case we reserve the right to not accept or cancel orders placed in the Online Store.


    5. Delivery

    We deliver Product(s) only in Germany and subject to the following restrictions:


    ·       P.O. Box addresses

    ·       Overseas army addresses

    ·       Hotels and hostels

    ·       Prisons

    ·       Büsingen am Hochrhein and Heligoland


    Delivery options are as follows:

    ·       Home delivery: estimated delivery time of 2 to 4 business days

    ·       Click & Collect: estimated delivery time 0 to 2 business days.


    Click & Collect means that you can choose to pick up your order at one of our local stores if the Click & Collect option is available for your order. The package must be collected within 10 days from when the notification was sent. If the package is not collected from the store within this time frame, it will automatically be registered as unredeemed, and the price will be returned to you. We reserve the right to decide which stores and orders are covered by the Click & Collect delivery option.


    If your order consists of several items, we reserve the right to split the delivery. You will not be charged for any additional delivery costs.


    In case you unreasonably delay delivery or delay the receipt of delivery after we have notified you that we have tried to deliver the ordered Product(s) to you, or if you have provided us with an incorrect delivery address which results in an unsuccessful delivery, the delivery package will be returned to us. If the Product(s) remain undelivered after the first delivery attempt for a period of 7 days and are returned to us undelivered, we shall be entitled to cancel the contract and we will refund you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


    We shall not be liable for any delay or non-performance if this is the result of unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and responsibility. These include, but are not limited to, acts of war or terrorism, strikes, national or local emergencies, epidemics, pandemics, disruption to transport networks, power and utility failures, earthquakes and other natural disasters. We will immediately inform you  of such circumstances. If such an impediment to performance lasts for more than four weeks after the original delivery date, you are entitled to withdraw from the contract at no cost. There are no further claims, in particular no claims for damages.


    We encourage you to examine the delivery package and received Product(s) as soon as possible and at the latest 14 days after they are delivered to you and check their condition and that the content of the delivery package is complete. If the packaging appears to be damaged, please do not accept the shipment. Please note that you bear the risk for the products you have ordered when the delivery is completed. In the case of defective products or inconformity with your order, you will have the choice of returning the defective product and we will refund you the purchase price and all delivery cost when we have handled your return. You also have the right to keep the defective product and ask for a reduction of the price. In any of the foregoing cases, please contact our customer service.


    6. Product(s) availability 

    We do not guarantee the availability of any Product(s) in the Online Store. We reserve the right to change, discontinue or discontinue the availability of any product without liability or notice. This does not apply to ordered products for which you have already received an Order and Shipping Confirmation email from us.


    7. Compatibility, product information 

    Please exercise care when placing your order to ensure that the Product(s) you purchase are compatible for the intended use. Please use the Online Store as your final point of reference when checking compatibility. In the event of a difference between the Online Store content and any other website (or any other source of information) the compatibility of Product(s) as shown in the Online Store at the time of purchase will be seen as taking precedence. 


    8. Payment

    Payment can be made by:

    ·       Visa

    ·       Mastercard

    ·       Amex

    ·       Maestro

    ·       Klarna

    ·       Paypal

    ·       Online bank transfer


    We reserve the right to carry out security checks on all payments. Therefore our customer services may contact you to confirm your order information and order details such as proof of address, proof of address in the name of the person indicated for the delivery address etc.


    9. Return and refund

    Please note that we will only process returns and refunds for Product(s) ordered in the Online Store. This also includes Order in Store products.


    Cancellation right: If you have bought Product(s) for your own private use as a consumer and want to exercise your right to cancel or withdraw from the contract and return the Product(s) you may do so provided you complete the return procedure within 30 days after the date on which you receive the Product(s). In case of a contract relating to multiple Product(s), your cancellation right time frame will start from the date on which you receive the last Product.


    In order to exercise your cancellation right and return the products, please complete the return procedure on our online return platform. Alternatively, you can return the model cancellation form that is reattached as Annex 1 or contact our customer service.


    You may only return Product(s) that have their tags intact and which you have taken reasonable care of and not used in a manner that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product(s). You will be liable for any diminished value of the Product(s) resulting from your handling of the Product(s) other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and proper functioning of the Product(s) you bought.


    Once we have received your online statement to cancel the contract, we will send you a confirmation email. You will then have to return the Product(s) without undue delay and in any event not later than 30 days from the date on which you notified your decision to withdraw from the contract. You will bear the direct costs for returning the Product(s) in the form of a handling fee stated below.




    Return procedure:

    You must return the Product(s) in the original packaging. You must include all accessories, user manuals and any free gifts that came in the same package. When a Product has been purchased as a part of a bundle of multiple Products, all multiple Products within that bundle must be returned. Please treat the Product(s) with reasonable care and return them in the condition that they were delivered to you. Please pack the Product(s) securely and make sure that your order number is clearly visible on the outside of the parcel. Returns from different orders shall not be combined. To ensure fast and secure return we encourage you to follow the given return instructions.


    When exercising your cancellation right, a return handling fee of 5,90 EUR will be deducted from the price you paid for the Product(s), and the remaining amount will be returned to you within 14 days of us receiving the returned products at our warehouse. The return handling fee is calculated per returned shipment. If you return the whole order, you will also be refunded the standard shipping costs. Please note that if you choose a more expensive express shipping option, only standard shipping cost will be reimbursed. 


    The refund will be confirmed by email. Payment will be carried out using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.

    If you return Product(s) 1) that you are not entitled to return, 2) that you damaged or used in a manner that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product(s) or 3) with Product(s) missing or 4) have otherwise failed to exercise reasonable care when taking care of and returning Product(s), we reserve the right either to reject your return and decline to refund or to reduce any payments to be refunded to you for the diminished value of the Product(s), subject to applicable law.

    Other return cases: If the Products you have received do not correspond to the ones you have ordered, or if your delivery is incomplete or damaged in transportation, please contact our customer service without delay.


    10. Legal guarantee

    You have a legal guarantee of conformity in accordance with statutory law. We shall ensure that our Products meet the core standards required by applicable law, and in particular, shall ensure that our Products will be of satisfactory quality and match the description provided to you by us. 


    Please note that e.g. the following damages are not covered by the legal guarantee:

    ·       Damages resulting from normal wear and tear of the Product(s)

    ·       Damages resulting from your storage of the Product(s)

    ·       Damages resulting from non-compliant use of the Product(s) or poor maintenance

    ·       Damages resulting from the modification of the Product(s) or their repair by another entity than Peak Performance

    ·       Damages resulting from shock, caused by sharp objects, twisting, compression, dropping, abnormal impact and other actions beyond our control.




    If you believe that you are entitled to any services under your legal guarantee, please contact our customer service.


    11. Personal data

    The privacy policy available on our website and additional provisions in these Terms and Conditions govern the use of your personal data. Purchasing of Product(s) in the Online Store requires that you accept the privacy policy and the processing of personal data as described in said privacy policy.


    We will use reasonable care to protect the security of information relating to your order and payment but (unless we have acted with gross negligence) cannot be held liable for any harm you may suffer if a third-party gains unauthorized access to your information.




    12. Our liability

    These Terms and Conditions govern the full extent of our obligations and liabilities in relation to the delivery of the Products.


    We exclude any warranty, express or implied, or any promise of quality, except as expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions. In particular, we are not responsible for ensuring that the products are suitable for the intended purpose unless you have informed us of such purposes before the conclusion of the contract and we have accepted them.


    We make no warranty that the Online Store will meet your requirements or will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free or that the site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy and/or reliability of the Online Store. We shall use our reasonable endeavors to verify the accuracy of information that is used on the Online Store but, subject to applicable law, cannot guarantee that all information will always be accurate and complete. It is possible, for example, that Product images, and packaging may not always match Products supplied. If you have any questions or concerns in this regard, please contact us before ordering any Product(s).  Pricing mistakes may occur from time to time, in which case we may cancel any orders being processed or accepted by us.  We will correct errors on our Online Store as soon as possible after becoming aware of them.


    We are only liable for damages and reimbursement of futile expenses according to §§ 437 No. 3 BGB in conjunction with §§ 636, 280, 281, 283 and 311 a or according to § 284 BGB (hereinafter "damages") due to breach of contractual or non-contractual obligations in the event of:


    ·       intent or gross negligence,

    ·       negligent or intentional injury to life, limb or health,

    ·       the assumption of a guarantee of quality,

    ·       negligent or intentional breach of essential contractual obligations,

    ·       mandatory liability under the Product Liability Act or

    ·       other mandatory liability.


    Compensation for breach of essential contractual obligations is limited to the contractually typical, foreseeable damage, unless there is intent or gross negligence or liability for injury to life, limb or health or the assumption of a quality guarantee or product liability.


    The above exclusions and limitations of liability also apply with regard to the liability of our employees, workers, employees, representatives and vicarious agents, in particular in favor of the shareholders, employees, representatives, organs and their members with regard to their personal liability.


    A change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the customer is not associated with the above regulations.




    13. General

    The Online Store may be used only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations regarding the Online Store and any transactions conducted on or through the Online Store.


    If any provision or provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired.




    14. Customer service

    Our Customer Service will assist you with any Online Store order related questions. You can contact our Customer Service either via email, chat or by phone.


    15. Governing law

    These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany.


    Annex I: 

    Model withdrawal form (complete and return this form if you wish to withdraw from the contract)


    To: Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, 15 Parkring, D-85748 Garching, Germany




    I hereby give notice that I withdraw from my contract of sale of the following Product(s):


    • Ordered on __________ / received on_____________
    • Name of consumer(s):
    • Address of consumer(s):
    • Signature of consumer(s):
    • Date:







    The online store is open 24 hours a day, except if due to maintenance work. For your convenience, we endeavor to execute such work in the night time.

    In order to shop at you must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid credit card accepted by us. You have the right to inform us of your withdrawal of the purchase, without penalty and without justification, within 30 days as of the day following the delivery of the product.

    Please note that we only accept orders from private consumers, and you are not allowed to place orders for or on behalf of a business.

    Your national legal guarantee of conformity for goods applies to this purchase.

    At the moment we can only fulfil your order, if the delivery address in one of the countries we deliver to.

    We may decline an offer or cancel a purchase in any of the following situations, without being liable for any damages or costs. We will notify you by email in advance of any such action, to try and resolve the issue and will return any applicable payments made to us without deduction:

    • Your payment information is incorrect or not verifiable, or you are not approved in the credit evaluation;

    • Your order may have been placed for fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a criminal offence or other unlawful activity;

    • There was an unintentional error on the Website; e.g. a payment error etc.;

    • We have reason to believe you are a minor under the age of 18;

    • We could not deliver to the address provided by you

    By placing an order on our Website, you are making an offer to us to purchase the products you have selected on these terms and conditions. We may or may not accept your offer at our discretion.

    We can only accept offers that are made through our Website. We cannot accept offers made by phone, e-mail, letters or fax.


    At what point in the ordering process are you bound by your order?
    The moment you click "Pay" and the receipt is displayed on your screen, you are bound by your offer, however, please see "Returns, Withdrawals and Complaints".  

    The displayed receipt is an automated acknowledgement that means we have received your submitted offer. However, the acknowledgement does not mean that we have accepted your offer, and we reserve an explicit right to decline your offer after you have received the automatic acknowledgement.

    If we accept your offer, you will receive an e-mail from us confirming that we have shipped your order (shipping confirmation). The contract between you and us will be effective from the time that the shipping confirmation is sent.

    If you made an error when placing your order, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. However, please always make sure to review your offer before placing it. Before submitting, you have the possibility yourself to edit any information you have entered, such as the delivery or billing address or credit card information or change or delete items in your shopping bag.


    Language of the contract
    The language of the contract is English.


    Access to the agreement 
    We store all contracts made, including your offer and the order confirmation, and we recommend that you file these too, as subsequently the documents will not be accessible. However, please see "Track your order and view history".


    Fraud screening
    In order to protect our Consumers and maintain the security of shopping online, we may run verification checks on the data you submit when you place an offer. These checks may include address and payment verification and screening of your offer to prevent fraud.




    We accept the following payment methods:

    • VISA

    • MasterCard

    • Amex (Not from France)

    • Maestro (UK only)

    • Paypal (Not from Ireland)

    • iDeal (Netherlands only)

    • Real Time Banking / Sofort Banking (Austria, Belgium and Germany only)

    • Klarna / Invoice (Sweden, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Finland and Denmark only)

    • VISA/Dankort (Denmark only)

    • Carte Bleue (France only)


    Please note that we cannot accept any payment methods not specified above. If you try to pay by any other methods, we will not be liable for your loss of payment or any other damages caused by your action.


    Credit Card Verification Number
    To maintain your own security and prevent fraud, you will be asked to enter your Card Verification Number (CVV) when paying with credit card. You can find the 3-digit number on the back of your credit card. It generally appears to the right of your credit card number.



    All prices on products, delivery charges and other services include value added tax (VAT).

    The delivery charge is added per order. For details concerning the charges for your specific country, please visit our Website. We will always inform you of the total price, including all taxes, VAT and other costs such as fees and possible delivery costs, before you place your order.

    If you are residing outside EU and eligible for VAT refund on your purchase, we will refund the VAT on your purchase, provided that you submit to us (i) documentation that your place of residence is outside EU, (ii) a copy of your invoice complete with such stamps and confirmations from customs authorities in the exporting country as are required under the rules applicable at the time of your request for the refund, and (iii) any other documentation that may be required by the authorities in the country where you have made your purchase. The documentation should be submitted to Consumer Care in the country where you have made your purchase. We may decline the VAT refund, if we assess that the documents you have provided do not meet applicable requirements.

    The prices displayed on the Website are those that apply at the time of purchase. The prices may be subject to change without notice, but changes will not affect orders which we have accepted. We endeavor to avoid information errors, but please note that pricing errors, spelling errors and other errors or mistakes can occur from time to time. We will verify prices as part of our confirmation procedures. If the correct price is less than our stated price, the lesser amount will be charged to you. If the correct price is higher than the price stated on our Website, we will attempt to contact you. If we are unable to contact you, we will reject your offer and notify you by e-mail.


    All displayed prices are quoted in the currency that refers to your country. If you want to change the country selection please use the country selector in the top of the site. Your delivery address will decide which currency you will be charged in.

    Please note that changing the country of delivery may have an influence on the price and the delivery costs.

    You may pay in any of the currencies listed below:

    • Danish Kroner (DKK)

    • Canadian Dollar (CAD)

    • Euro (EUR)

    • Norwegian Kroner (NOK)

    • Swedish Kronor (SEK)

    • UK Pound Sterling (GBP)

    • Swiss francs (CHF)



    We utilise Security Socket Layer (SSL) technology, one of the most secure systems for ordering online that allows encryption of your information, such as your name and address, and critical personal information, such as credit card information. Your information will be encrypted from the moment you enter it, and your personal information will not be saved on a public server. That means that information passed between you and our Website cannot be read in the event someone else intercepts it. The SSL technology provides an authentication that assures your browser that your data is being sent to the correct secure computer server; an encryption that encodes all data, so only the secure server is able to read it; and a data integrity that checks that the transferred data has not been altered.



    We currently deliver to the following countries:

    • Austria

    • Belgium

    • Canada

    • Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and Greenland)

    • Finland (excl. Aland Islands)

    • France (excl. Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Réunion, Mayotte, Monaco, Saint Pierre, Wallis and the Futuna Islands and New Caledonia)

    • Germany (excl. Island Helgoland and area of Busingen)

    • Ireland

    • Italy (excl. Campione d’Italia, Livigno, San Marino and Vatican City)

    • The Netherlands (excl. Aruba and Antilles)

    • Norway (excl. Svalbard)

    • Spain (excl. Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)

    • Sweden

    • Switzerland

    • United Kingdom (excl. Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey)


    Delivery Terms
    If you live in Sweden, Norway or Finland and choose fast delivery, your order will be delivered by PostNord to a pick-up point near your address. You will be informed of the pick-up point by e-mail or text message at the time the parcel is ready for collection. If you prefer to have the order delivered directly to your home address, you may choose express delivery.


    If you live in Denmark, your order will as a standard be delivered by PostNord to your home address. One delivery attempt will be made. If you are not home at delivery, the order may be redeemed at the nearest PostNord pick-up point. You will be notified of the pick-up point by PostNord in its delivery slip.


    If you live outside Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, your order will be delivered via UPS/DPD to your home address. 

    If you are not home at delivery and you live in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain or Italy, the order may be redeemed at the nearest UPS/DPD pick-up point. You will be notified of the pick-up point by UPS/DPD in its delivery slip. 

    If you live outside the countries mentioned above, UPS/DPD will make 3 delivery attempts. If you fail to receive your order on any of these attempts, the parcel will be returned to us. Contact information for UPS/DPD will be included in the delivery slip, and you may contact UPS/DPD directly to agree the delivery time of any redelivery attempt.


    Orders will be delivered Monday through Friday.


    All deliveries must be signed for at receipt, except if another option is provided by the courier.


    If the order is delivered to a pick-up point, the courier will keep the parcel for 10 days before returning it to us as undelivered. 


    Split delivery
    If your order consists of several items we reserve the right to split the delivery. This can happen if certain items are delayed at the time of ordering. In the event of split delivery, you will receive tracking for each parcel. You will not be charged for any additional delivery costs.


    Product inspection
    Please note that you bear the risk for the products you have ordered when the delivery is completed. If the packaging appears to be damaged, please do not accept the shipment.

    Without prejudice to your statutory rights and remedies you have the responsibility of inspecting your products for any faults and, in the event, giving us notice of any complaints. In the case of defective products or inconformity with your order, you will have the choice of returning the defective product and we will refund you the purchase price and all delivery cost when we have handled your return. You also have the right to keep the defective product and ask for a reduction of the price.


    Delivery Times
    Your ordered products will be delivered from Monday through Friday, and the exact delivery time depends on the country of delivery.

    An order that has been submitted on a Danish public holiday will be processed the next working day following the public holiday.


    Track your order and view history
    When you have an account at, you can track your orders by visiting "My Account" and clicking "My orders". There you can view your past orders and the status of your current order. 

    If you don’t have an account, please contact us and we will do our best to inform you about your order status.



    The right of withdrawal
    If you are a consumer (i.e. a private individual and not purchasing products on behalf of a business), you may withdraw your order at any time within 30 days.

    The withdrawal period commences at receipt of the product and expires 30 days later. In case of split deliveries, the withdrawal period expires 30 days after receipt of the last product.


    How do you exercise your right of withdrawal?
    Before the expiry of the withdrawal period, you must inform us of the withdrawal with a notice sent on paper or another durable medium to which we have access, e.g. by letter or by sending us an email. You may use the withdrawal form attached below, but it is not obligatory.

    In addition, you must return or give back the product to us within a reasonable time from sending the notice, in any case no later than 30 days from the day on which we were informed about your decision to withdraw from the purchase. 

    Please see the Return Guide that came with your order for more information.

    You can also exercise your right of withdrawal if, before the expiry of the 30-day period, you hand over the product to the postal services or another operator who has taken on the task of forwarding the product to us, even if you have not given prior notice to us.

    You may also exercise your right of withdrawal by abstaining from receiving the product or by abstaining from collecting it at the post office etc.


    For exercising your withdrawal right, we offer free returns in following countries:  

    • Canada  


    For exercising your withdrawal right in the following countries, we will deduct the stated return handling fees from the purchase price that you will be reimbursed:  

    • Sweden – 59 SEK / order and shipment 

    • Denmark – 30 DKK / order and shipment  

    • Finland – 5,90 EUR / order and shipment  

    • France – 5,90 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Germany – 5,90 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Ireland – 7 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Italy – 5,90 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Norway – 79 NOK / order and shipment  

    • Spain – 7 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Austria – 7 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Belgium – 7 EUR / order and shipment  

    • The Netherlands – 7 EUR / order and shipment  

    • Switzerland – CHF 20 / order and shipment  

    • The UK – 9,90 GBP / order and shipment  

    For all countries we will reimburse you the delivery and return costs, subject to the following:  


    - Delivery costs are only reimbursed to you if the whole order is returned and if you have chosen the least expensive type of delivery. Additional cost for express delivery are not reimbursed;  


    - Return costs are only reimbursed to you if you use our free return service provided (in Sweden and Canada) by us and return costs will not be reimbursed if the product is returned by other means. 


    When exercising your right to withdrawal we will deduct the above-mentioned return handling fee from the purchase price that will be reimbursed to you.   


    Repayment will be made without undue delay and in any event not later than 30 business days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.

    You are only liable for any diminished value of the product resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.


    Returning defective products
    When we ship your products, we do our best to make sure that the products are top quality and in perfect condition. In the case of defective products or inconformity with your order, you will have the choice of returning the defective product and we will refund you the purchase price and all delivery cost when we have handled your return. You may also choose to keep the product and ask for a price reduction or a repair of the product.  Please note that products that are damaged as a result of wear and tear are not considered to be faulty.

    The claim shall be made when you discover the defect. Any notice given within a period of two months after you discovered the defect is deemed a timely notice, but in certain cases a longer period may apply under applicable law. Please contact us and we will arrange for the product to be returned. If you wish to place another order, we will be happy to assist you.

    For Consumers subject to Swedish law you have the right to return the product within 36 months.

    For Consumers subject to French law the following applies:

    •       The warranty against any hidden defects of the goods sold, which applies for two years following the discovery of the defect.

    •       The warranty of conformity of the Civil Code, which enables you to require that the product delivered be the same as the product ordered, and which applies for five years from the date of delivery of the product.

    •       The warranty of conformity of the Consumer Code, which applies for two years from the delivery of the product.

    Please note that any such claim requires that you have not used the products inappropriately and that the product is not defective due to your conduct.


    Incorrect Items
    Occasionally the wrong item may get sent out. If this has happened to you, we sincerely apologize.

    Please contact our Consumer Care Team who will be able to re-order the correct item for you and arrange for the incorrect product to be collected by our courier.



    After we receive and process your request you will be issued with the appropriate refund. We aim to process a refund within 3 business days of receiving your parcel, or of receiving evidence of you having sent back the parcel, and send you an e-mail to let you know we have received and processed it. After you have received the e-mail, please allow another 5-10 business days for the refund to be credited to your account. The amount of time this takes will depend on which bank or card issuer you have. Unfortunately, this delay is outside of our control. You can expect a refund in the same form of payment originally used for purchase. In the event that we are unable to refund your credit card we will contact you to arrange an alternative means of refunding your order.



    We endeavor to have all offered items in stock. In the event that ordered items are out of stock, we reserve the right not to accept your offer. You will be informed by e-mail and any payments will be refunded if the payment was already processed.

    The prices and offers displayed on the Website are valid at the time they occur, unless other specific terms are stated on the Website. Pricing errors, spelling errors and other errors or mistakes can occur. We will verify prices as part of our confirmation procedures. If the correct price is less than our stated price, the lesser amount will be charged to you. If the correct price is higher than the price stated on our Website, we will attempt to contact you. If we are unable to contact you, we will reject your offer and notify you by e-mail.



    If you have any questions, comments or complains related to your purchase please contact our Consumer care via our contact forms, by phone or by email at


    Contact form links:

    Phone numbers

    • Austria (English & German): +43 7201 1611 1

    • Belgium (English & French): +32 2808 6731

    • Canada (English & French): +1 (579) 379-3500

    • Denmark (English): +45 8988 5112

    • Finland (English): +358 9315 8491 3

    • France (English & French): +33 4 56 09 06 34

    • Germany (English & German): +49 800 000 8073

    • Ireland (English): +353 1761 4766

    • Italy (English): +46 1088 8691 5

    • Norway (English): +47 2193 7693

    • Spain (English): +34 9318 1677 9

    • Sweden (English & Swedish): +46 10-888 69 15

    • Switzerland (English, French & German): +41 6153 9159 8

    • The Netherlands (English): +31 8500 1361 8

    • UK (English): +44 2038 7228 25

    The Consumer care is open Monday to Friday between 10:00 – 17:00 (CET), with the exception of no support on Fridays between 11:30 – 12:30 (CET).



    You are welcome to contact our Consumer care, if you have complaints regarding your purchase. Our Consumer care may be contacted by telephone, e-mail or regular mail. Contact details for our Consumer care are included above.

     You may also file your complaint via the Online Dispute Resolution center established by the EU Commission. You can file your compliant at



    All contents included on the Website, such as, but not limited to, design, text, graphics, logos, video and audio clips, images, button icons and the compilation thereof, software compilations, source coding and software, are the property of Peak Performance, Amer Sports Group or our suppliers. The contents are protected by German and international copyright laws. Peak Performance, Amer Sports Group or our content suppliers own the copyright to the abovementioned. The contents of the Website may only be copied for your own private use. Any other use of the information and material on the Website, such as reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance is strictly prohibited. You may therefore not copy, display, download, distribute, alter, modify, reproduce, republish or rephrase information, text, documents or other material from the Website or any other part of the Website without the explicit consent from Peak Performance, Amer Sports Group or our suppliers. Brand names, product names, logos and titles that appear on the Website are trademarks or trade names and are property of Peak Performance, Amer Sports Group or our suppliers. Any reproduction of such trademarks or trade names constitutes an infringement of the owner’s rights and is strictly prohibited, unless it is for your own private use.




    We are only liable for damages when such damages result from our breach of contractual obligations towards you, or in the event our liability follows from applicable statutory law.

    If any activities on have caused you damage, we shall only be liable for damage to the Peak Performance products, reasonable and verifiable costs incurred by you to find out the cause and amount of damages as a result of our breach of contract or liability under applicable statutory law; and reasonable and verifiable cost to prevent and diminish such damages.

    We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by a third party resulting from use of our products. Neither shall we be liable for your improper use of any of our products. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for any damages resulting from incorrect information on the Website.

    The limitations mentioned above shall not apply in the event you suffer damages resulting from our gross negligence or willful misconduct.

    We guard and respect our Consumers’ personal data and safety, although we cannot totally guarantee the security of information and payments transmitted online. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for damages suffered as a result of the use of electronic means of interactions, such as, but not limited to, damages resulting from errors or delays in delivery of communication, interception or manipulation by third parties or by computer programs and transmission of viruses.



    We make a great effort to avoid errors on the Website, but information, text, images, graphics, video and audio clips and other website services may temporarily contain errors, be incomplete or incorrect. In such events - to the fullest extent permitted by law - we cannot be held liable for damages resulting hereof, unless such damage is the result of our gross negligence or willful misconduct.


    14. LINKS

    We shall not be liable for any use of or any content of internet sites that this Website provides links to. Neither shall we be liable for use or content of any websites from which are linked to this Website.



    Without limiting your rights as a consumer under the laws of your country, these terms and conditions as well as all disputes or claims arising hereof and of using or shopping on the Website shall be governed by the laws of Germany.



    We reserve the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions from time to time.

    Your order will be subject to the policies and terms and conditions in force at the time when you order products from us, unless any change to those policies or these terms and conditions is required to be made by law or governmental authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you). If we change these policies or these terms and conditions after you have placed your offer, but before we send you the order confirmation, we will notify you of this. If you do not inform us that you can accept these new policies or these terms and conditions within seven working days, we will cancel your offer and notify you by e-mail.



    (Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) 


    Amer Sports Deutshcland GmbH

    Parkring 15 - 17

    85748 Garching







    I/we _________________________hereby give notice that I/we _________________________  


    withdraw from my/our _________________________contract of sale of the following goods:



    Ordered on _____________/received on _____________, 



    Name of consumer: _________________________ 


    Address of consumer: _________________________


    Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper): 





    Date: _________________________